Kratom Nausea — Everything You Need to Know


Kratom, as you probably know, helps to relieve pain, anxiety symptoms, can boost your energy and stimulate your cognitive focus.

However, it does have side effects — as everything in this life does. Typically, nausea is the most prominent. Thankfully, we have everything you need to know about Kratom nausea and what to do about it.


Nausea — What is It?

The dictionary definition of nausea is “a feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit”. Usually, you will feel nausea before you are physically sick, however, this is not a steadfast rule. But, for our stomach to get rid of its contents (and stop nausea) our brain must send a signal to it for the vomiting to actually happen.

You may find that if you are feeling nausea, you could have a headache, be sweating, dizzy or running a fever. Plus, stomach spasms could occur as a result of the digestive issue.

Luckily, this feeling tends to go away without you having to do much, but you can always purchase an over-the-counter medication to solve it.


What Causes This Sick Feeling?

As we have previously mentioned, nausea happens because of problems with the stomach or digestive tract. However, many conditions or illnesses could cause you to feel it too.

Migraines, food poisoning or intolerances and a number of diseases bring about nausea. Even conditions that are to do with the inner ear can cause it too. Not to mention that pregnant women should expect nausea in the first trimester.

Aside from all of this, there are other factors that can trigger this unpleasant sensation too such as:

  • Stress (from life, work, etc.)
  • Stomach flu
  • Colds
  • Overeating
  • Heart attacks
  • Travel sickness
  • Some medications
  • Some natural remedies (like Kratom!)
  • Chronic pain
  • Multiple forms of cancer
  • Concussion or head trauma
  • Overindulging on alcohol
  • Strong smells
  • Concussion

Of course, nausea, in general, isn’t very fun. However, it is even worse when you are trying to enjoy the effects of Kratom!

Balio and Indonesian varieties of Kratom are more likely to bring about nausea. If you are sensitive to this, it is probably best to avoid these types.

But, Why Does it Happen?

Since everyone is different, some people are lucky and do not have to endure Kratom’s nausea. On the other hand, some users feel it pretty much instantly.

Having said this, if you take a dose that is over the recommended amount, you are more at risk. So make sure to follow the correct dosage and always eat beforehand!

How Do You Prevent Kratom Nausea?

Again, no two people are the same. With that in mind, it is important to note that some of these prevention methods may not work for you at all. Just keep trying and see what works for you.

Eat Before Taking It

If you forget to eat before you ingest Kratom, this may be what is causing you to experience nausea. Try taking it an hour after you have eaten something to line your stomach. Although, do not overeat as this will only increase the likelihood of you feeling nausea!

Stick With Small Doses

If you take a huge dose of Kratom, you should expect nausea. In order to reduce your risk, you need to take a minimal amount.

Regardless of how much your friends are taking, you need to figure out what is right for you.

First of all, take a gram and analyze how you feel. After three-quarters of an hour, take another gram if you haven’t achieved the results you expected. Once you do experience something that you want, do not take anymore.

After 24 hours, do this process again, ensuring you stop before it’s too late!

Make sure you are incredibly accurate when weighing out your Kratom doses. Don’t just eyeball it, this will not work out well for you. Instead, use digital scales so you know for sure.

Always remember that different strains or vendors will consist of various potencies. So, you will have to adjust as you go to determine the correct dose if you decide to change. We recommend you do not mess around with the strains until you are an extra experienced Kratom user.

Try Ginger

You probably know that ginger is a well-renowned remedy for soothing nausea and easing stomachs. Try grinding the ginger up and pop some into your Kratom. Whether you are brewing Kratom tea or utilizing the washing method, you can add ginger to it. This will change the flavor, but not too radically.

If you have already taken Kratom and are experiencing Kratom nausea, then chew on a fresh ginger slice. Of course, we can’t guarantee that this will help you feel better, but for a lucky few it does work.

Raw ginger can be decidedly unpleasant to put into your mouth. For those who just can’t stomach it, buy a crystalized version (a sugared version).

Change How You Consume It

How you take Kratom can be the cause of nausea in some people. So, try changing your consumption method and see if the sickness ebbs.

For those taking capsules or washing, brew Kratom teas instead. A large number of avid Kratom fans have said that the only way they got over their nausea was to ingest it tea style.

If you have never made Kratom tea before, take a look at our recipe below for best practices.

You Will Need:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 lemon
  • 50g of Kratom powder (use your preferred strain)


  1. Place the powder into the water.
  2. Squeeze the lemon into a bowl, fishing out any stray pips.
  3. Add this into the powder-water mix.
  4. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Place it into the freezer.
  6. Wait until it is hovering on the edge of being frozen.
  7. Once it is a tad icy, put it all into a saucepan.
  8. Bring to the boil on the hob.
  9. Once it has reached the boiling point, turn the temperature down by half.
  10. Leave it on the stove (stirring occasionally) until there is ¼ of the water left.
  11. Pour the mix into a jug.
  12. Wait for the Kratom to settle.
  13. Pour it all into a transparent container.
  14. Cover it with a cloth.
  15. After the Kratom has settled, take the cloth off and squeeze it.

The tea you are left with is rather dark and thicker than you might imagine. To combat this, you can warm it slightly before drinking (this will make it taste better too).

Following this method means the alkaloids in the Kratom will stay in their salt form. This makes them far more stable and less likely to irritate your digestive system (always eat prior to drinking though).

How to Store The Kratom Tea

As long as you keep the tea in an airtight container in the fridge at a low temperature, it will keep for about 5 days.

You must make sure to drink it within a week of it being boiled however, otherwise, bacteria will start to form. No one wants a yucky Kratom tea!

Many users recommend reboiling the tea after 2 days, just to eliminate any build-up that may have occurred within those 48 hours.

Having said this, if you want it to last longer, you can pop it in the freezer. Like with any edible item, it keeps for a decent amount of time in here.

Take Antacids Beforehand

If you are feeling a bit wild, and you don’t fancy eating before you consume it (we all know that our bodies absorb the powder better when it is empty), consider taking antacids instead.

Take them roughly half an hour before you plan on digestive Kratom to neutralize the acid in our stomachs, release trapped wind, and prevent digestive spasms.

Even though they do counter nausea, they amplify the psychoactive properties in Kratom’s alkaloids. If you are okay with this, then go for it. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

Try Cannabis (If It Is Legal in Your Area!)

If cannabis is legal where you reside, you can use this to alleviate nausea caused by Kratom. Since this method is all-natural, users tend to love it.

Be cautious though as it will add another layer of psychoactivity to your already potent, heady mix. Use this idea with care and respect!

Kratom newbies will probably experience nausea since it has only just hit their system. However, some people, unfortunately, have a higher sensitivity to the ingredient and there is not much they can do about it. Although, we would recommend ginger — and more ginger — to give you the best shot at preventing it for good!

Treat Kratom With Respect

As long as you know your Kratom dose limit and take the above precautions to help minimize the effects of nausea, you won’t have a problem. You will be able to experience all the wonderful health benefits that Kratom has to offer, without awful nausea taking hold!

Follow the dose, use these tips, and have nausea-free fun!



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