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It is always important to find as much information as possible when researching different kratom vendors. There are numerous potential benefits of kratom. However, enjoying those benefits for yourself is something that is highly dependent upon finding reliable vendors. Soul Speciosa is likely to be one of the vendors you at least hear about. However, when you look for information on this vendor, you will find that it is rather difficult to uncover anything of value.
In fact, if you visit the official website for this vendor, you will be taken to a website for a company known as Left Coast Kratom. Based on our research, it sounds as though the company changed its website and name after salmonella contamination with kratom a couple of years ago. The situation is a non-issue in the present, but it seems unlikely that Left Coast Kratom is going to revert to Soul Speciosa anytime soon. The company seems to be doing just fine under its current name.
For the sake of accuracy, we will, therefore, be referring to Soul Speciosa by its current name for the remainder of this Soul Speciosa review. In other words, this is going to be a Left Coast Kratom review instead.
As you will discover, this doesn’t really hurt your opportunity to learn about different kratom vendors. In fact, as you will find, Left Coast Kratom is one of the most popular vendors on the planet. There are a number of reasons why this is the case.
History And Products
Many would argue that Left Coast Kratom (AKA Soul Speciosa) is a stellar example of why kratom has become so hugely popular across the United States and elsewhere in recent years. The company itself first opened its doors as Soul Speciosa a few years ago. They gained a good deal of popularity over a fairly short amount of time. This could be traced to a strong product line, combined with good prices, and above-average customer service.
The Salmonella threat and scandal forced the company to shift gears. It was in late 2018 that the company felt it best to simply change the name and website. This gave them a fresh start. Not surprisingly, they gained a similar level of success, which continues to this day. You can still find the official Tumblr page for Soul Speciosa, if you are interested.
The company offers an impressive range of a plant that originated in Southeast Asia. This is where the best kratom products still come from. There are three different strains of kratom, which can be discerned by studying their veins. You have white-veined kratom, green-veined kratom, and red-veined kratom. Each strain comes with its own unique benefits. Where your kratom specifically comes from in Southeast Asia is also important. Some of the countries in which you can find kratom include Malaysia, Thailand, and Borneo. As you search for these products at the Left Coast Kratom website, keep in mind the differences. This ensures the best possible experience with your purchase.
Here are a few of the most impressive products currently being featured on the Left Coast Kratom website. Due to the sheer volume of their inventory, we will not be covering everything they offer in-depth. Instead, we’re going to cover their main categories. This will give you a good idea of just how elaborate their offerings can get:
- Powders: Left Coast Kratom has a large inventory of kratom powders. A quick glance at their offerings will reveal that they have virtually every type of strain currently available in powder form. This includes OG Bali Kratom, Super Green Malaysian Kratom, White Vein Borneo Kratom, Red Maeng Da Thai Kratom, and much more. You will also note that the company offers the somewhat controversial “yellow” kratom. It is somewhat controversial for the fact that no one can seemingly agree on where it comes from. Some claim it comes from kratom leaves that have reached the full threshold of maturity. Others claim it can be created simply by combining all three of the known, established kratom vein colors (red, yellow, green). It has garnered mostly good reviews from those who use it. At the very least, it seems to really be kratom.
- Extracts: The most important thing to keep in mind with extracts is that they are not the same as kratom powders. A kratom extract is a good deal more potent than the powder. This is something first-time users of kratom should try to keep in mind. Some specific examples offered through Left Coast Kratom includes Left Coast Platinum Tea Capsules, Gold Reserve Kratom Extract, Private Reserve Liquid Kratom Extract, Full Spectrum Kratom Extract, and many others.
- Capsules: Some prefer the convenience offered through kratom in capsule form. Other kratom enthusiasts argue that it is not as potent as kratom in an extract or powder form. You will ultimately want to make up your own mind, but you will find that Leaf Coast Kratom has a huge array of kratom capsules for their customers. Some specific capsule options available to you includes Red Vein Maeng Da Thai Kratom, White Vein Borneo Kratom, 10% Extract Capsules, and Ultra Enhanced Indo Tea Capsules.
Again, the products mentioned above do not extend to everything they offer. There is also a wide range of accessories and other items of note available. You can purchase a variety of different scales, as well as empty capsules in both vegetable and gelatin formats. A Capsule Machine is offered, and there are also options to donate to such organizations as the American Kratom Association, the Botanical Education Alliance, and the Kratom Trade Association.
Obviously, we are talking about one of the largest kratom vendors to be found anywhere. This is one of the most appealing elements to the company. While it shouldn’t be your only consideration, there is no question that this is a company that takes kratom seriously. This is not just in terms of offering different strains and types but in terms of making their kratom available in virtually every notable intake method. They even offer an assortment of accessories for those who want to make their own capsules, or for those who want to make sure they are measuring out the proper dosages. This really is a one-stop shopping solution for everyone curious about kratom.
The website itself is also rather impressive. There are far too many bare-bones kratom websites out there. These are websites that offer scant information on their products, to say nothing of how little they have to offer useful information on kratom. Informational resources are an important consideration for any website that sells kratom. Again, this is a company that truly seems to take kratom seriously in every possible way. The website is straightforward and easy to use, as well.
Left Coast Kratom also has a strong reputation for fast shipping, offering a range of payment options, and in terms of customer service. Checking out any Left Coast Kratom reviews (or indeed, any Soul Speciosa reviews, as many customers still refer to them by that name) will highlight all of these facts. There seems to be very little about this company that we can say in the way of complaints.
We also like the fact that they offer virtually all of their kratom products in sample form. Obviously, these samples aren’t free, but they do offer one of the most affordable possible ways to enjoy everything kratom has to offer. The samples offer a perfect opportunity for beginners to figure out which types and strains of kratom are right for their medicinal and/or recreational needs.
The only notable downside to Left Coast Kratom would arguably be the issues that cause them to change their name from Soul Speciosa to Left Coast. The salmonella scandal impacted kratom sales and trust in kratom to a meaningful degree, when incidents occurred in 2018. It could be said that Left Coast was hit the hardest by this. Given that they had to change their name, you could certainly make such an argument.
At the present, the company has largely recovered from these issues. However, some still feel that the company handled the whole situation poorly. There are also those who have refused to go back to Left Coast, even as they have proven themselves to be reliable time and time again.
What Are People Saying?
Beyond the criticisms mentioned above, the opinion surrounding this kratom retailer is almost overwhelmingly positive. Experienced kratom users love having a wide variety of products to choose from. Newcomers enjoy the informational resources, which allow them to not only choose a kratom strain and type that they will enjoy but also ensure they are using kratom safely.
These are just a few of the things being discussed with this company. We would suggest reading more reviews of Left Coast Kratom, which can add to what we have discussed here today.
It should go without saying that kratom isn’t for everyone. However, if you find yourself becoming increasingly curious about what kratom has to offer, this is one of the first vendors you will want to check out in greater detail.